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Authoritative Independent Content

Springer Healthcare’s medwireNews bureau reports on the latest
medical advances and opinion to engage and inform healthcare
professionals in convenient, easily accessible and timely formats

Authoritative, relevant and independent medical news and content for all healthcare professionals

medwireNews combines scientific expertise with journalistic skills to review the latest research and clinical results across multiple therapy areas. We report on the most relevant advances to ensure our content is helpful and impactful for the intended audience.

We collaborate with therapy-area experts to provide compelling content that delivers key messages to meet the educational needs of all healthcare professionals.

From news services and expert insights, to conference coverage and expert interviews, our services help clinicians stay up to date and informed about the latest trials and approvals, gain expert insight on current issues, and ensure the continued learning essential to improving patient care.

Visit the medwireNews website for more info –

Springer Healthcare's medwireNews

medwireNews reviews all the major high-impact journals and reports on the latest research findings, thoughts and opinions in the fast-moving world of medical research and clinical trials.

We provide:

  • Dynamic, reliable news content that changes regularly and frequently, and helps enhance visibility
  • A balanced, independent view of the latest research, as relevant to our audiences
  • Clinical context and take-home messages
  • Timely and relevant coverage
  • Newsletter content to increase regular engagement with key healthcare audiences
  • A time-saving resource for clinicians to stay up to date with the latest advances in their own therapy areas

We provide comprehensive coverage from the major international conferences across all therapy areas, helping to extend the reach of reported data to beyond the healthcare professionals who are able to attend these meetings. Whether the conference is face-to-face or virtual, we offer any combination of:

  • Daily news reports on the breaking trial data from oral abstracts, posters, plenary sessions, late-breaking abstracts
  • Video interviews and podcasts with clinical trial researchers, discussing major outcomes and messages
  • Video interviews and podcasts with independent experts, providing commentary and clinical context of trial data
  • Round-up articles to summarize the main messages, per therapy area, across the conference
  • Highlights videos with experts giving their top picks from the conference

We convey the viewpoints of world-leading experts through video interviews and podcasts, providing easy access to their input on topics ranging from the latest research, to clinical impacts, to the latest regulatory approvals and guidelines. We can provide:

  • Researcher and leading expert interviews
  • Peer-to-peer discussions
  • Panel debates

The medwireNews team collaborates with key opinion leaders to review hot topics and fast-moving areas of research to give the latest information, viewpoints, clinical perspectives and guidance via commissioned, written content, with the aim of:

  • Attracting and influencing healthcare professionals
  • Providing expert insight and practical guidance
  • Comprehensively and rapidly informing healthcare professionals on the latest developments that may influence patient care

We provide written summaries and top-line overviews of complex or extensive research areas, such as all trials within a specific drug class, condensed into easy-to-access articles that are regularly updated, providing:

  • Crib-sheets that can be referred to again and again
  • A fast and easy way to access a full summary of a given clinical topic
  • Conveniently providing all the information a healthcare professional needs in one, accessible space