Special Editions
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Springer Nature is o.a. uitgever van wetenschappelijke boeken. Om de verspreiding van deze boeken te stimuleren heeft Springer Healthcare (onderdeel van Springer Nature) ervoor gekozen om sommige titels als ‘Special Edition’ te publiceren. Deze speciale edities mogen na toestemming van uitgever en auteurs door Springer Healthcare worden aangeboden.
Prijs ‘Special Edition’ is € 45,- per exemplaar (tenzij anders is aangegeven).
50 vragen over AI in de zorg
Editors: Marijke van Oosten en experts uit het veld
ISBN: 978-94-92467-98-0
Prijs: € 45,00
Artifical intelligence (AI)-systemen bieden veel mogelijkheden om processen efficiënter en sneller te laten verlopen, ook in de zorg. Maar welke mogelijkheden biedt AI precies om de zorg voor de patiënt te verbeteren? En hoe kan AI de administratielast voor zorgverleners verlichten? Wat zijn large language models (LLM’s) en kun je deze modellen in het EPD integreren? In 50 vragen over AI in de zorg komen deze en vele andere vragen aan bod. Het boek is een eerste kennismaking met AI en de mogelijkheden die deze biedt in de zorg. De inhoud is tot stand gekomen op basis van input van experts in het veld, te weten dr. Maikel Boot, microbioloog en technisch directeur bij een Amerikaans consulting bedrijf; dr. ir. Egge van der Poel, onafhankelijk adviseur en toezichthouder en docent bij het Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur; drs. ir. Jessica Workum, intensivist/klinisch farmacoloog en AI-specialist.
50 vragen over digitale neurologie
Editors: Marijke van Oosten en experts uit het veld
ISBN: 978-94-92467-97-3
Prijs: € 45,00
Digitalisering van de zorg is een onstuitbare ontwikkeling. Noodzakelijk ook, gezien de toenemende zorgvraag en het beperkte aantal zorgverleners. Digitale middelen helpen de zorg efficiënter te maken, zodat met minder zorgverleners meer patiënten geholpen kunnen worden. Maar wat is digitale zorg precies? Wat kunnen we ermee in de neurologie? Kan een computersysteem vragen van patiënten beantwoorden? Of een diagnose stellen? Verandert de rol van de zorgverleners door digitalisering? In 50 vragen over digitale neurologie komen deze en vele andere vragen aan bod. Het boek is tot stand gekomen met medewerking van dr. Caspar van Munster, neuroloog in het Amphia Ziekenhuis in Breda, en dr. Bianca Berghuis, neuroloog in Sein, het expertisecentrum voor epilepsie en slaapgeneeskunde. Zij geven aan wat er nu al mogelijk is aan digitale neurologische zorg en spreken hun verwachtingen uit over de (nabije) toekomst. Duidelijk is dat zorgverleners niet moeten afwachten tot digitale tools straks op hen afkomen, maar dat ze zelf een rol moeten spelen bij de ontwikkeling daarvan. Dat zorgt ervoor dat nieuwe (digitale) zorgtoepassingen aansluiten bij de praktijk, niet alleen die van nu, maar ook die van morgen. Samen op weg naar een digitale toekomst. Doet u mee?
De Hulpdokter
Editors: Stan Geurts
ISBN: 978-90-78122-00-5
Prijs: € 7,95
Voel je je soms verloren in de medische wereld? Geen zorgen, je bent niet de enige! Medische termen kunnen verwarrend zijn, maar dat hoeft niet zo te blijven. Dit boekje maakt ingewikkelde medische woorden begrijpelijk door een eenvoudige uitleg en illustraties. Ontdek de 50 meest gebruikte termen in de spreekkamer en leer waarom het zo belangrijk is om te begrijpen wat je dokter zegt. Stel gerust vragen, want dokters vinden het leuk om je te helpen. Na het lezen van dit boekje spreek jij straks vloeiend de taal van de dokter!
The Pain Phenomenon
Editors: Serge Marchand
ISBN: 978-9-492-46799-7
Third edition | soft cover
Prijs: € 45,00
Introducing the latest edition of The Phenomenon of Pain: A Comprehensive Exploration of Pain Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches.
In recent decades, pain has emerged as a focal point in both basic and clinical research, reflecting its profound impact on individuals’ lives. The rapid advancement of knowledge has deepened our understanding of the complex neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms underlying pain, shedding light on its multifaceted nature.
Clinicians grapple daily with the daunting reality of human suffering, navigating its intricate web of causes and manifestations. This continuous engagement with pain presents significant and stressful challenges from the relentless pursuit of understanding and alleviating it.
This book transcends mere discourse on the physiological and psychological underpinnings of pain; it delves into the intricate factors contributing to its persistence. Furthermore, it meticulously examines pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment modalities, forging a crucial link between the mechanisms of pain and therapeutic interventions.
By bridging the gap between pain mechanisms and treatment strategies, this edition equips clinicians with invaluable insights to augment their clinical acumen. Armed with this knowledge, clinicians can tailor interventions to effectively address the diverse array of pain presentations encountered in their practice.
Food Allergy Management and Prognosis
A clinical guide
Editors: Ruchi S. Gupta
ISBN: 978-94-92467-55-3
1st ed, 2020, XIV, 281 p
Prijs: € 45,00
Comprehensive and practical, this book thoroughly addresses the full range of concerns related to food allergies in the pediatric patient. As food allergies in the pediatric population increase in number and severity, Pediatric Food Allergy: A Clinical Guide provides information on new guidelines and potential treatment options, as well as working to improve awareness, diagnosis, management and prevention practices.
Written by experts in their respective fields, chapters are divided into five sections. Opening with an introduction and overview of particular concerns and issues specific to food allergy in the pediatric population, sections two and three address diagnosis and management of comorbid conditions in food allergy, along with development of food allergies and current prevention recommendations. Sections four and five cover food allergy management, prognosis, and therapeutic options with a look to future developments, whileall sections include a discussion of epidemiology, differential diagnoses of other potential food-related diseases.
In Pediatric Food Allergy: A Clinical Guide, pediatricians and allergists alike will find an invaluable resource as they work with this vulnerable patient population.
Skin Cancer Management
A practical Approach
Editors: Deborah F. MacFarlane
ISBN: 978-3-030-50593-6
Prijs: € 40,00
The incidence of skin cancer continues to rise, as do the challenges physicians face in treating the growing population of skin cancer patients. Skin Cancer Management: A Practical Approach, 2nd edition addresses the spectrum of skin cancers from the precancerous to the inoperable. In this revised and updated edition, a wide selection of medical treatments and surgical procedures are described in detail and supplemented with an abundance of full-color figures. Numerous case studies help to illustrate the various techniques.
Shared decision making voor artsen
Samen beslissen over de best passende behandeling
Editors: Marijke van Oosten, dr. Arwen Pieterse
ISBN: 978-94-92467-96-6
Prijs: € 45,00
Samen beslissen: het klinkt zo simpel en dat is het niet. Wat is samen beslissen precies? Wat heb je daarvoor nodig? Hoe pak je het aan? En waarom zou je samen beslissen? In dit boek proberen wetenschapsjournalist dr. Marijke van Oosten en dr. Arwen Pieterse, associate professor Medische Besliskunde aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), deze en vele andere vragen omtrent samen beslissen zo goed mogelijk te beantwoorden. Waar mogelijk geven zij praktische tips over samen beslissen. Daarnaast bevat het boek verwijzingen naar websites en organisaties die informatie geven over het onderwerp. Het boek is vooral bedoeld als inspiratie om samen beslissen (nog meer) op te pakken. Samen beslissen helpt de zorg te kiezen die het beste bij de patiënt past. Dat laatste kan een zorgverlener vaak niet in zijn eentje bedenken; wel samen met de patiënt.
50 vragen over digitale reumatologie
Editors: Marijke van Oosten, dr. Wouter Bos en drs. Dan Zhang
ISBN: 978-94-92467-95-9
Prijs: € 45,00
Digitalisering van de zorg is een onstuitbare ontwikkeling, maar ook een noodzakelijke ontwikkeling. De zorgvraag stijgt, vooral ook in de reumatologie, terwijl er nu al een tekort is aan reumatologen. Digitale middelen helpen de reumatologische zorg efficiënter en effectiever te maken, zodat met minder zorgverleners meer patiënten geholpen kunnen worden. Maar in hoeverre is reumatologie geschikt voor digitalisering? Is diagnostiek op afstand mogelijk? Of behandeling? En wat betekent digitalisering voor de dagelijkse praktijk? In 50 vragen over digitale reumatologie beantwoorden reumatologen dr. Wouter Bos en drs. Dan Zhang deze en vele andere vragen. Zij gaan in op wat reeds mogelijk is aan digitale reumatologie en wat de verwachtingen zijn voor de nabije en minder nabije toekomst. Bovenal willen zij reumatologen inspireren het digitale pad te betreden. Dat kost in eerste instantie misschien wat tijd en inspanning, maar kan zoveel opleveren: voor de gezondheidszorg, de individuele patiënt, maar zeker ook voor de reumatoloog zelf. Stilstand is achteruitgang en de weg voorwaarts is nu eenmaal digitaal.
50 vragen over digitale dermatologie
Inclusief drie belangrijke trends voor de dagelijkse praktijk
Editors: Marijke van Oosten, drs. Herm Martens en dr. Xiaomeng Liu
ISBN: 978-94-92467-48-5
Prijs: € 45,00
Digitalisering van de zorg is onafwendbaar. Maar hoe snel gaan die ontwikkelingen in de dermatologie? Wat zijn de stimuli en wat de belemmeringen? En waarom is juist dermatologie zo geschikt voor digitaal zorg verlenen?
In dit boek proberen dermatologen drs. Herm Martens en dr. Xiaomeng Liu, oprichters van Digitale Dermatologen, deze en vele andere vragen zo goed mogelijk te beantwoorden. Ze kijken daarbij vooruit naar de komende jaren en leggen uit waarom het belangrijk is om juist nu te starten met de implementatie van digitale (dermatologische) zorg. Voor dermatologen die na het lezen van de informatie overtuigd zijn dat dermatologische zorg een ‘must’ is, geven zij tips om te starten met een digitale praktijk.
Anatomisch model van de dikke darm
Prijs: € 49,50
Verkleind anatomisch model van de dikke darm, met de meest voorkomende ziekten: verklevingen, blinde darm ontsteking, bacteriële infecties, kanker, ziekte van Crohn, diverticullitis, diverticulosis, poliepen, spastische darm en ontsteking.
Het colon model is voorzien van een Engelstalige informatiekaart en is geplaatst op een witte basis van 12,5 x 15 x 2,5 cm.
De afmetingen van het dikke darm model zelf zijn 15 x 6,5 x 20 cm.
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Editors: Engin Oral
ISBN: 978-94-92467-50-8
Prijs: € 45,00
Although endometriosis and adenomyosis are often assessed under the same umbrella, the epidemiology, clinical manifestations and management strategies of endometriosis and adenomyosis occur differently during the life cycle of a woman. Endometriosis can be diagnosed at many points across the lifespan, including adolescence and the climacterium, as well as pregnancy. Being associated with potential adverse health effects, different clinical presentations requiring different therapeutic approaches render it imperative to tailor management strategies for each period of the lifespan: in utero and early life, puberty and adolescence, reproductive years, pregnancy, late reproductive age, and the menopause.
This book provides comprehensive insight into the general aspects, diagnosis and treatment modalities of endometriosis and adenomyosis in all stages of a woman’s life – a unique element of its approach. Thematic sections discuss the basics of diagnosis and management of both endometriosis and adenomyosis from birth through menopause, including aspects of fertility preservation, sexual dysfunction, psychological considerations and prevention. The current pharmaceutical approaches and efficacy are presented, including progestins, oral contraceptives, aromatase inhibitors and GnRH agonists and antagonists. The final section provides current practice guidelines for the management of both conditions as well as an investigation into future research and clinical strategies.
Taking a truly global perspective, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis will be a valuable resource for reproductive endocrinologists, infertility specialists and obstetricians and gynecologists worldwide.
Gender and Migraine
Editors: Antoinette Maassen van den Brink; E. Anne MacGregor
ISBN: 978-94-92467-47-8
Prijs: € 45,00
This book focuses on the influence of sex and gender in migraine, presenting new insights in basic science as well as their clinical relevance. As migraine is roughly three times more common in women than in men, and also highly depends on hormonal milestones – such as menarche, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause – particular attention is devoted to the role of female sex hormones in this disease.
The first chapters present general data on gender-related differences in migraine such as epidemiology, comorbidities and related risks. Furthermore, while several chapters focus on the role of female sex hormones in migraine-triggering mechanisms at a basic scientific level (e.g. cranial circulation), ample attention is also paid to the clinical relevance of such mechanisms and to the best clinical treatment for migraine patients.
As the first book entirely devoted to this topic, it will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of neurology, internal medicine, endocrinology, physiology and pharmacology.
Slagader model
Prijs: €48,40
Dit Slagader Model bestaat uit een langsdoorsnede van een slagader met vernauwing, veroorzaakt door de adsorptie van plaque. Vier dwarsdoorsneden op de basis tonen stapsgewijs de opbouw van plaque aan de slagaderwand.
Afmeting: 14 x 18 x 13 cm. Gewicht: 0,4 kg
De downside van uppers
Editor: Dr. Robert Riezebos
ISBN: 978-94-92467-26-3
Prijs: € 49,50
De cardiovasculaire complicaties en risico’s van recreatief drugsgebruik zijn over het algemeen niet of onvoldoende bekend. Niet bij de gebruikers zelf, maar ook niet bij de zorgverleners, waaronder de cardioloog. Toch is het belangrijk te weten dat voor sommige cardiovasculaire complicaties de standaardbehandeling niet altijd de meest adequate behandeling is wanneer drugsgebruik de oorzaak van de problemen is.
Biologic Therapy for Psoriasis
Editors: Nicholas Brownstone, Tina Bhutani, Wilson Liao
ISBN: 978-94-92467-39-3
Prijs: € 45,00
- Up-to-date and comprehensive review on biologic therapy for psoriasis
- Includes cutting edge treatment principles based on the latest research
- Examines the 11 FDA approved biologic agents currently on the market while investigating what’s on the horizon
Zorg op afstand, 100 vragen over digitale zorg
Editors: prof. dr. ir. Daan Dohmen, prof. dr. Cornelis Boersma
ISBN: 978-94-92468-34-8
Prijs: € 45,00
In dit boek staat informatie over zorg op afstand, vooral digitale zorg. Maar wat is digitale zorg precies? Hoever zijn de ontwikkelingen op dat gebied? Wat is nodig voor een goede implementatie van digitale zorg? Hoe is de bekostiging geregeld? En hoe zit het met wet- en regelgeving? Dit boek geeft antwoord op deze en veel andere vragen omtrent digitale zorg, gelardeerd met voorbeelden uit binnen- en buitenland. Ook worden de drie belangrijkste trends voor de ontwikkeling van digitale zorg in de komende jaren behandeld. De vragen zijn opgesteld en zo goed mogelijk beantwoord door prof. dr. ir. Daan Dohmen en prof. dr. Cornelis Boersma, beiden als hoogleraar op dit domein verbonden aan de Open Universiteit en als ondernemer betrokken bij toonaangevende nationale en internationale initiatieven omtrent digitale zorg. Natuurlijk sluit het boek af met praktische tips om zelf aan de slag te gaan met digitale zorg.
Dialysis in Older Adults
A Clinical Handbook
Editor: Madhukar Misra
ISBN: 978-1-4939-3318-1
This practical handbook offers quick and sound advice on the many issues faced when dialyzing the older patient. It is authored by well-known international experts who have covered the full range of end stage renal disorders including treatment options, patient management and maximization of quality of life. Accessible and easy-to-read, Dialysis in Older Adults serves as the go-to reference for clinicians and members of their team as they treat this challenging patient population.
Prostaatkanker 100 vragen en antwoorden
Editors: Dr. Roderick van den Bergh, Prof. dr. Luca Incrocci, Drs. Tycho Lock, Erik van Muilekom MANP, Agnes Pap/PKS, Drs. Debbie Robbrecht
ISBN: 978-94-92467-32-4
Prijs: € 17,50
In Prostaatkanker, 100 vragen en antwoorden zijn veel gestelde vragen over prostaatkanker, onderzoeken en behandelingen op een rijtje gezet. Het boek bevat ook praktische informatie over omgaan met bijwerkingen en gevolgen van kanker en behandeling. Daarnaast geeft het tips en informatie over organisaties en websites waar je voor steun en informatie terechtkunt.
Psoriasis 111 vragen en antwoorden
Editors: dr. David Njoo, dr. Deepak Balak, prof. dr. Peter van de Kerkhof
ISBN: 978-94-92467-28-7
Prijs: € 20,-
In dit boek staat informatie over de ziekte psoriasis en over bijbehorende onderzoeken, behandelingen en leefstijladviezen. Het boek is een verzameling van veelgestelde vragen uit de praktijk. De vragen zijn zo goed mogelijk beantwoord door de dermatologen Dr. David Njoo, Dr. Deepak Balak en Prof. dr. Peter van de Kerkhof en sluiten aan bij de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van psoriasis.
Heb je een vraag die er niet tussen staat, dan kun je ook kijken op de websites van Psoriasispatiënten Nederland (https://psoriasispatientennederland.nl) en van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (www.nvdv.nl). Of stel de vraag aan je eigen dermatoloog.
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Editors: Mullen, Kevin D.; Prakash, Ravi K. (Eds.)
2012, XIII, 250 p. 35 illus., 14 illus. in color.
ISBN: 978-1-4939-0390-0
Because of the increasing burden of hepatitis C and fatty liver disease, there is an explosion in the prevalence of chronic liver failure and hence its complications. The onset of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) in these patients has a significant impact on the quality of life, morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, the approach observed by most clinicians to this complex disorder is minimalistic.
Hepatic Encephalopathy provides a comprehensive review on pathophysiology and clinically important aspects in HE. Topics in basic physiology, nitrogen metabolism, new insights into pathogenesis and brain edema are covered in great detail. The authors have made a special effort by simplifying the complex aspects of pathogenesis and diagnosis so that it can be easily understood and applied clinically. This volume also focuses on recent developments regarding diagnoses of subtle forms of HE, also known as minimal or covert HE as well as on new treatments. Hepatic Encephalopathy will be of great value to gastroenterologists, hepatologists, pathologists, medical residents, fellows, internists, and general practitioners who treat patients with hepatic encephalopathy.
Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
Editors: Saad, Fred, Eisenberger, Mario A. (Eds.)
2014, XVI, 337 p. 44 illus., 35 illus. in color.
ISBN 978-1-4939-2869-9
This volume provides new data about the molecular biology of CRPC and a review of the definition, staging and prognostic factors that define CRPC. The book features an in depth review of proven therapeutic options, including bone targeted therapies, immunotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal based therapies. Combination therapy as well as novel targeted approaches presently under investigations are also reviewed. The text provides up to date guidelines and algorithms for the management of CRPC based on international guidelines presently available as well as evidence based medicine.
As a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field, Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer serves as a very useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with this challenging malignancy.
Multiple Myeloma
Diagnosis and Treatment
Editors: Gertz, Morie A., Rajkumar, S. Vincent (Eds.) 2014, 313 p.
ISBN 978-1-4939-2952-8
This is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and biology of multiple myeloma and related plasma disorders. Edited and written by a multidisciplinary group of recognized authorities from the Mayo Clinic, it presents clear guidelines on diagnosis and therapy and covers all aspects of multiple myeloma, from molecular classification and diagnosis, to risk stratification and therapy. Closely related plasma cell disorders such as solitary plasmacytoma, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, and light chain amyloidosis are discussed in detail as well. The book addresses often overlooked topics, including the role of radiation therapy, vertebral augmentation, and supportive care.
Our understanding of this group of disorders is developing at an unprecedented rate, and Multiple Myeloma meets the need among oncologists and hematologists for a clear, timely, and authoritative resource on their biology, diagnosis, and treatment.
The Right Ventricle in Health and Disease
Series: Respiratory Medicine
Editors: Voelkel, Norbert F., Schranz, Dietmar (Eds.) 2015, XVII, 488 p. 149 illus., 94 illus. in color.
ISBN 978-1-4939-2856-9
The Right Ventricle in Health and Disease provides a comprehensive and up-to-date database and collection of the available information which describes the structure and function of the normal right ventricle. The right ventricular performance and function reserve has now finally moved to the center of the stage as clinicians recognize that the drugs presently used to treat patients with severe pulmonary hypertension do not necessarily improve the performance of the right ventricle and because the survival depends on the right ventricular function that treatment strategies need to be developed to primarily protect the right ventricle from failing. In-depth chapters discuss right heart function and failure in patients with congenital heart diseases, review modern imaging techniques used to describe right ventricular form and function in patients with right heart failure (including cardiac MRI and PET scanning), describe ventricular interdependence: the left ventricle in pulmonary hypertension and discuss the concept of the sick lung circulation and its contribution to right heart failure. Treatment strategies of chronic right heart failure including drugs and mechanical devices are also discussed.
Practical Pediatric Dermatology
Controversies in Diagnosis and Treatment
Editors: Oranje, Arnold P., Al-Mutairi, Nawaf, Shwayder, Tor (Eds.) 1st ed. 2016, XII, 269 p. 47 illus., 44 illus. in color.
ISBN 978-3-319-51772-8
This book presents a selection of controversial issues of practical importance in pediatric dermatology with the aim of enabling the reader to adopt a well-balanced and evidence-based approach to the management of dermatological disorders encountered during childhood. It is not, therefore, structured according to a basic disease classification; rather it addresses a series of dilemmas in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, including inflammatory disorders, tumors, immune and autoimmune disorders. In addition to areas of debate in the management of individual conditions, controversies in the use of particular types of treatment, for example retinoids, cyclosporin, acyclovir, and laser therapy, are considered and relevant psychological aspects are discussed. Practical Pediatric Dermatology will assist pediatricians and dermatologists in decision making during daily clinical practice.
Radiological Features and Clinical-Surgical Correlations
Editors: Lo Re, Giuseppe, Midiri, Massimo (Eds.) 1st ed. 2016, X, 177 p. 45 illus., 26 illus. in color.
ISBN 978-3-319-51771-1
This book describes and illustrates the radiological findings that are characteristic of Crohn’s disease and correlates these appearances with clinical and surgical findings in order to assist the reader in implementing an appropriate diagnostic approach in this complex disease, which often differs from patient to patient. All of the modern imaging modalities and techniques are covered, including ultrasound, multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and combinations of MDCT and MRI with enteroclysis and enterography. The current value of X-ray and the role of endoscopy are also examined. Care is taken to cover specific patient groups, including pediatric patients, those with perianal disease or anal fistulas, and patients who have undergone surgery. In addition to surgical approaches, including minimally invasive options, other new therapies are discussed. The book will be invaluable for diagnostic radiologists, gastroenterologists, and surgeons.
Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis
Pathology and Clinical Aspects
Editors: Adebajo, A., Boehncke, W.-H., Gladman, D.D., Mease, P.J. (Eds.) 2016, 316 p. with illus. in color.
ISBN 978-1-4939-2952-8
Educational advancement in the field of psoriatic arthritis which this book will provide is consistent with GRAPPA’s aims and objectives leading to a productive synergy. GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis), is recognized world wide as the leading international society for the study and promotion of awareness of psoriatic arthritis. GRAPPA is an association of leading rheumatologists, dermatologists, representatives of patient service leagues and other stakeholders focused on psoriasis and PsA.Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) ranks with rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis as one of the most prevalent inflammatory arthropathies worldwide.
There is now a significant global awareness among Rheumatologists, Dermatologists, Internal Medicine Specialists, Gastroenterologists, General Practitioners, Family Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Nurse Specialists, Immunogenetics and many other Health Care Professionals with regards to the importance of psoriatic arthritis.
Managing Metastatic Prostate Cancer In Your Urological Oncology Practice
Editors: Balaji, K.C (Ed.) 2016, 280 p. with illus. in color.
ISBN 978-3-319-31339-9
This text provides a comprehensive review of pathophysiology, molecular and cell biology aspects of CRPC, discusses all major clinical trials that have led to approval of 6 new drugs since 2004, explores the role of bone preservation strategies, in depth analysis of combination and sequencing strategies, outlines upcoming novel drugs and trends in research, and stresses the role of palliative care in this incurable disease. Managing Metastatic Prostate Cancer in Your Urological Oncology Practice will serve as a very useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with, and interested in prostate cancer. It provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts. All chapters are written by experts in their fields and will include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.
Urology at a Glance
Editors: Merseburger, Axel S., Kuczyk, Markus A., Moul, Judd W. (Eds.) 2014, IX, 385 p. 125 illus., 69 illus. in color.
ISBN 978-3-662-55247-6
Urology at a Glance is a concise, practical guide to diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. The book is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the pathway from symptom to diagnosis and covers the full range of symptoms commonly encountered by the urologist. Any particular symptom can be located within a matter of seconds and in each case differential diagnosis is explained with the aid of a flow chart. The second part of the book is devoted to the pathway from diagnosis to therapy, with each short chapter devoted to a specific diagnosis. Basic information is provided on the disease in question, along with an outline of state of the art treatment options and possible complications. Again, flow charts are used to help the reader to reach the correct therapeutic decision in different circumstances. Numerous high-definition photographs and illustrations are also included. This book will be a great asset for urologists and practitioners in related disciplines
Management of Prostate Cancer
A Multidisciplinary Apporach
Editors: Bolla, Michel, van Poppel, Hendrik (Eds.) 2nd ed. 2017, VIII, 422 p. 76 illus., 64 illus. in color.
ISBN: 978-3-319-67316-5
This book, now in an extensively revised second edition, provides an exhaustive review of the state of the art in the management of prostate cancer, from screening to treatment, with emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach. The editors are very excited about the outstanding new or updated contributions from the different expert authors.
The opening chapters address basic aspects including epidemiology, pathology, biology, genetics, and chemoprevention. The role of individual and mass screening is carefully appraised, and extensive attention is devoted to diagnosis and clinical work-up by means of recently implemented investigations such as multiparametric MRI and choline PET-CT.
The use of active surveillance is examined in detail. Subsequent chapters discuss the different therapies that may be employed: open and minimally invasive, including robot-assisted, radical prostatectomy, the various forms of radiation treatment, high-intensity focused ultrasound, cryotherapy, hormonal manipulations, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy. Up-to-date results from practice-changing phase III randomized clinical trials are included and special insights are provided into the interpretation of results and the patient’s perspective.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Diagnosis and Therapeutics
Editors: Cohen, Russell D. (Ed.) 3rd ed. 2017, XIII, 366 p. 33 illus., 30 illus. in color.
ISBN: 978-3-319-67317-2
The latest edition of this text provides a comprehensive overview of the “natural flow of knowledge” regarding inflammatory bowel disease, with an emphasis on state-of-the art approaches that should be the basis for diagnosis and treatment of most patients. In addition to updated chapters, this volume includes new chapters on such topics as the impending biosimilar revolution, quality of care, and new challenges to previously held beliefs about IBD diagnosis, treatment, and pathogenesis. The book is also one of the first to have a chapter written specifically by and for physician extenders in the training of colleagues and the treatment of patients, which is of increasing importance moving forward in the medical profession.
Written by experts in the field, Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Third Edition is a valuable resource for physicians, nurses, researchers, and other health care providers interested in the latest cutting-edge knowledge for treating patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Clinical Echocardiography
Editors: Henein, Michael Y. (Ed.) 2nd ed. 2012, XI, 317 p. 439 illus., 303 illus. in color. With online files/update.
ISBN 978-1-4471-7359-5
The main target of clinical and academic cardiology activities is to optimize the patient’s management and ultimately their welfare. Professionals manage patients according to their own understanding of disease process; clinicians concentrate on alleviating the symptoms and echocardiographers on identifying the disease. This book helps to ‘cross the barrier’ and describes the common ground between physiologic disturbances and their management which should ideally form the shared basis for understanding and managing all cardiac problems.
A practical review of the many uses of echocardiography in clinical practice, Clinical Echocardiography is designed to integrate and refine the investigation of cardiac disorders within the framework of the pathologic, physiologic and surgical appearances of heart disease. It has been common to consider echocardiographic findings separately from the more physical aspects of heart disease. However, with the development of new imaging modalities such as three- and four-dimensional echocardiography, it has become necessary to consider this imaging as a window on the heart. This book aids the cardiologist, cardiac surgeon and echocardiographer to integrate their knowledge within the overall management of cardiac disease in a clinically relevant manner.
Telemanagement of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Editors: Cross, Raymond K, Watson, Andrew R. (Eds.) 1st ed. 2016, XII, 194 p. illus in color.
ISBN: 978-3-319-68061-3
This volume provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of inflammatory bowel disease and its management through the use of telemedicine applications. The book reviews barriers to successful outcomes in patients with IBD and offers a rationale for how self-management and telemedicine approaches can improve care in chronic illnesses such as IBD. This volume also includes a summary of the burden of telephone encounters in patients with IBD, characteristics of frequent callers to the office, outcomes associated with high telephone use, and strategies to provide education via telephone to patients with IBD. Prior literature on implementation of teleconsultation in research and clinical practice, as well as mobile applications used to track symptoms, quality of life, diet, and medication use in IBD are also explored in the book.
Written by experts in the field, Telemanagement of Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a valuable resource for gastroenterologists, surgeons, and other clinicians dealing with, and interested in, this novel adjunct to routine care for inflammatory bowel disease.
Obstetrische interventies
Editors: Joep Dörr, Vincent Khouw, Yves Jacquemyn, Frank Chervanak, Jan Nijhuis (Eds.)
4th ed. 2017, IIX, 246 p. illus in color
ISBN: 9778-90-368-1988-6
In dit leerboek worden op heldere en indringende wijze de anatomie van het geboortekanaal, de mechanismen van de normale baring en de uitvoering van obstetrische interventies, zoals kunstverlossingen en keizersneden in het ziekenhuis, weergegeven. Maar ook problemen die in de eerste lijn kunnen voorkomen, bijvoorbeeld schouderdystocie, worden uitvoerig behandeld.
‘Obstetrische interventies’ is bedoeld voor studenten verloskunde en geneeskunde, artsen (in opleiding), tropenartsen, (klinisch) verloskundigen en gynaecologen.
Met de bijdragen van ruim dertig auteurs uit Nederland, Vlaanderen en de Verenigde Staten wordt in dit boek inzicht gegeven in de keuzes die artsen en verloskundigen vóór, tijdens en na bevallingen elke dag en nacht weer moeten maken. De keuzes zijn zo veel mogelijk evidence-based.
Manual of Gynecardiology
Editors: Maas, Angela H.E.M., Bairey Merz, C. Noel (Eds.)
1st ed, 2017, IIX, 251 p. illus in color
ISBN: 978-3-319-74178-9
This book provides a much-needed, internationally oriented text, focusing on specific aspects of heart disease in women. Despite the large amount of information available, there is still considerable confusion regarding female patients. As such, the book highlights the health events that occur during aging in women and that may influence the future CVD risk. For instance, pregnancy-related disorders are important predictors for CVD risk in women, and inflammatory diseases like rheumatic, thyroid disorders etc, which also interfere with CVD risk, are also more common in women. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, including gynecology and endocrinology, it offers separate chapters on female-specific manifestations of ischemic heart disease, such as Tako Tsubo CMP and spontaneous coronary artery dissections. The book also discusses the effects and side effects of important medications. The chapters are clearly formatted, making it easy for readers to find subjects of interest.
Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis
Editors: Adeboja, A., Boehnck, W.-H., Gladman, D.D., Mease, P.J. (Eds.)
1st ed, 2016, XIV, 316 p.
ISBN: 978-3-319-19529-2
Educational advancement in the field of psoriatic arthritis which this book will provide is consistent with GRAPPA’s aims and objectives leading to a productive synergy. GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis), is recognized world wide as the leading international society for the study and promotion of awareness of psoriatic arthritis. GRAPPA is an association of leading rheumatologists, dermatologists, representatives of patient service leagues and other stakeholders focused on psoriasis and PsA.Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) ranks with rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis as one of the most prevalent inflammatory arthropathies worldwide. There is now a significant global awareness among Rheumatologists, Dermatologists, Internal Medicine Specialists, Gastroenterologists, General Practitioners, Family Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Nurse Specialists, Immunogenetics and many other Health Care Professionals with regards to the importance of psoriatic arthritis.
Colon Polypectomy
Editors: Antonio Facciorusso, Nicola Muscatiello (Eds.)
1st ed, 2018, XII, 156 p.
ISBN: 978-3-319-78128-0
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of current polypectomy techniques and describes new perspectives in the field. A wide variety of topics are covered, including classification of colon polyps, established polypectomy techniques and related controversies, advanced endoscopic resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, the use of submucosal injection solutions, management of complications, management of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications, and post-polypectomy endoscopic surveillance. Information is also provided on a novel risk calculation score for adenoma recurrence after polypectomy, developed by the editors of the book and their colleagues. In acquainting readers with the state of the art in the field, Colon Polypectomy will serve as a valuable reference and practical tool for all who perform the procedure, which is of ever-increasing importance given the recent success of colon cancer screening campaigns in leading to earlier detection of colon polyps.
Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer
Editors: Kim, Choung Soo (Ed.)
1st ed, 2018, IX, 201 p.
ISBN: 978-981-10-6942-0
This textbook summarizes the state of the art in the management of locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer with the aim of providing the knowledge required for optimal treatment decision making in individual cases. Readers will find comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in surgery, radiotherapy, androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. The role of the hormonal therapies abiraterone and enzalutamide and docetaxel-based chemotherapy in castration-resistant prostate cancer and hormone-sensitive metastatic disease is carefully evaluated. Among the other therapies discussed are LHRH agonists and antagonists, cabazitaxel, radium-223, and various novel agents still under clinical trials. The section on surgical approaches addresses, among other topics, the use of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy, and the benefits of adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy. The current role of external beam radiotherapy, alone or in combination with ADT and brachytherapy, for locally advanced disease is reviewed. Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer will be a valuable resource for practitioners at all levels of expertise
Breast Cancer
Editors: Veronesi, U. et al (Eds.)
1st ed, 2017, XIV, 918 p.
ISBN: 978-3-030-12885-2
This book provides the reader with up-to-date information on important advances in the understanding of breast cancer and innovative approaches to its management. Current and emerging perspectives on genetics, biology, and prevention are first discussed in depth, and individual sections are then devoted to pathology, imaging, oncological surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, medical oncology, and radiotherapy. In each case the focus is on the most recent progress and/or state of the art therapies and techniques. Further topics to receive detailed consideration include particular conditions requiring multidisciplinary approaches, the investigation of new drugs and immunological agents, lifestyle and psychological aspects, and biostatistics and informatics. The book will be an excellent reference for practitioners, interns and residents in medical oncology, oncologic surgery, radiotherapy, pathology, and human genetics, researchers, and advanced medical students.
Male Breast Cancer
Author: Ian Fentiman
1st ed, 2017, X, 173 p.
ISBN: 978-3-030-14403-6
This book provides an up-to-date review of the risk factors and genetics influencing the development of this rare disease. This volume presents clinical features and recent advances in histopathology and molecular profiling are analyzed, providing a valuable aid to clinicians in tailoring treatment to both the patient and the tumour. Readers will find important insights into the most effective strategies for making or negating a diagnosis of MBC. Within this timely volume, consideration is also given to the psychological needs of men with breast cancer alongside a discussion of the most effective support methods. The surgical management of the disease is examined, together with algorithms for local and systemic therapy. Owing to the problem of late diagnosis in MBC, many men have advanced or disseminated disease at diagnosis and, as such, the evidence-based management of these cases is reviewed. Male Breast Cancer concludes with a discussion on determining prognosis and the likely future developments in MBC with a focus on improved diagnosis and survival. Male Breast Cancer will be of interest to breast surgeons, oncologists, breast radiologists, breast histopathologists and breast care nurses worldwide.
Personalized Treatment of Breast Cancer
Editors: M. Toi et al. (Eds)
1st ed, 2016, IX, 388 p.
ISBN: 978-4-431-56874-2
This book deals with the essential factors in the personalization of treatment for primary breast cancer. These include host issues, lymph node surgery, radiation therapy, and preoperative systemic treatment requiring specialized knowledge, multidisciplinary care experience, techniques, and research. Locoregional treatment in conjunction with systemic treatments is another important factor, with options for local therapy significantly affected by genetic BRCA mutation. Axillary treatment issues have become top priorities in recent primary breast cancer care, and these are highlighted in the book’s presentation of technological advances in lymph node mapping and diagnosis, axillary clearance in patients with nodal metastasis, and the role of axillary surgery. Attention is also given to locoregional treatment after preoperative systemic therapy. Because therapeutic impact differs depending upon biological characteristics such as tumor subtype, local therapy should be based both on tumor biology and on therapeutic response in parallel. Associated translational research and mathematical prediction tools such as nomograms also are introduced. This book provides the essence of primary breast cancer care, particularly its individualization with novel therapeutic concepts and strategies, and will greatly benefit physicians and clinical investigators in breast cancer institutions.
Endocrine Disorders in Kidney Disease
Editors: Connie M. Rhee et al. (Eds)
1st ed, 2019, XIV, 354 p.
ISBN: 978-3-030-27357-6
This comprehensive book examines the complex interplay between endocrine and kidney disorders, and how this inter-relationship impacts patients with chronic kidney disease. Authored by experts in areas of endocrinology and nephrology, chapters cover a variety of topics, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, gonadal disorders, dyslipidemia, mineral bone disorders, obesity, and pituitary disorders. These comorbidities are thoroughly examined and provide the clinician, researcher, and trainee with a greater understanding of the impact of endocrine disorders on kidney disease patients, the ability to identify persistent gaps in knowledge for future investigation, and move closer towards the goal of improving the health and survival of the chronic kidney disease population.
Hepatic Critical Care
Editors: Rahul Nanchal et al. (Eds)
1st ed, 2018, VII, 319 p.
ISBN: 978-3-030-227362-0
This book focuses on the critical care of the patient with acute, acute on chronic and chronic liver failure as well as the peri-operative care of the patient with liver transplantation. Each of these disease processes is unique in pathophysiological manifestations, underpinnings of physiology and treatment options.
Patients with acute, chronic or acute on chronic liver failure are a growing fraction of ICU admissions. Hepatic Critical Care serves as the essential reference for both practicing intensivists at community hospitals and tertiary referral centers. This textbook is also targeted towards trainees specifically interested in taking care of patients with liver disease and liver transplantation.
Clinical Nephrogeriatrics
An Evidence-Based Guide
Editors: Musso, C.G., Jauregui, J.R., Macías-Núñez, J.F., Covic, A. (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-030-38104-2
The increase in average life expectancy observed over recent decades has brought new challenges to nephrology practice. Several renal diseases are more frequent in elderly patients today, and even in healthy older individuals renal physiology has its own peculiarities. This leads to the need for a specific approach on renal aging and renal function in the elderly. However, despite the relevance of this topic, there are few books exclusively dedicated to geriatric nephrology.
This book fills this gap by presenting a comprehensive overview of the differences between normal renal aging and chronic renal disease in the aged, and describes the particular aspects of nephropathy in the elderly, addressing it in a practical and clinically applicable fashion.
Clinical Nephrogeriatrics bridges the gap between nephrology and geriatrics, discussing the most important issues concerning the relationship between these two medical specialties. This evidence-based resource, written by prominent specialists with extensive clinical experience, offers nephrologists, geriatricians, family physicians, and other medical professionals valuable practical guidelines and insights to enhance their clinical practice and provide optimal care.
Genetic Neuromuscular Disorders
A Case-Based Approach
Authors: Angelini, Corrado
ISBN 978-3-030-41079-7
This updated and expanded new edition of a successful book describes genetic diagnostic entities of neuromuscular disorders. Neuromuscular syndromes are presented clinically either as a case study or as an overview from the literature, accompanied by text presenting molecular defects, and differential diagnosis.
This collection of neuromuscular disorders features the differential clinical phenotypes related to each genotype and are representative of the whole spectrum of a genetic muscle disorder, helping the clinician and neuromuscular physician to make a diagnosis. Key points for each genetic disease are identified to suggest treatment, when available, or the main clinical exams useful in follow-up of patients.
Genetic Neuromuscular Disorders: A Case-Based Approach is aimed at neuromuscular physicians and neurology residents.
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Dhr. René Molenaar
Project Manager
Springer Healthcare
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